This section provides a list of laboratories performing official analyses in the EPPO region. This list is not exhaustive

Country   Name
Quality Prog
Austria AGES Institute of Sustainable Plant Production , Vienna YES YES YES YES YES
Austria Department of Forest Protection , Wien YES NO YES YES NO
Azerbaijan Central phytosanitary laboratory of the Azerbaijan Food Safety Institute , Baku YES YES YES YES YES
Belarus department of quarantine expertise , Minsk YES NO YES NO NO
Belarus department of qurantine expertise (Brest) , Brest NO NO NO NO NO
Belgium Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain - Labo Gembloux (LFSAGx) , Gembloux YES YES YES YES NO
Belgium Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain - labo Melle , Melle YES YES YES YES NO
Belgium ILVO Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research , Merelbeke YES YES YES YES YES
Belgium Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W) , Gembloux YES YES YES YES NO
Bulgaria Central laboratory for plant quarantine , Sofia YES YES YES YES YES
Croatia Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food - Centre for Plant Protection , Zagreb YES YES YES YES YES
Czech Republic Central Institute for supervising and testing in agriculture , Olomouc YES YES YES YES YES
Denmark Aarhus University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences , Slagelse NO NO NO NO NO
Denmark Plant Diagnostic Laboratory, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration , Ringsted YES YES YES YES NO
Estonia Laboratory of Plant Health and Microbiology, Centre of Estonian Rural Research and Knowledge , Saku YES YES YES YES YES
Finland Finnish Food Authority / Plant Pest Section , Helsinki YES YES YES YES NO
France Anses Plant Health Laboratory - Bacteriology, Virology and GMO Unit , Angers YES YES YES YES YES
France Anses Plant Health Laboratory - Entomology and Invasive Plant Unit , Montferrier-sur-Lez cedex YES YES YES YES YES
France Anses Plant Health Laboratory - Mycology Unit Mycology Unit , Malzéville YES YES YES YES YES
France Anses Plant Health Laboratory - Nematology Unit , Le Rheu YES YES YES YES YES
France Anses Plant Health Laboratory - Pests and Tropical Pathogens Unit , Saint Pierre YES YES YES YES YES
France Anses Plant Health Laboratory - Quarantine Unit & virology , Lempdes YES YES YES YES YES
France Phytopathology Laboratory of SNES GEVES , Beaucouzé YES YES YES YES YES
Georgia State Laboratory of Agriculture of Georgia , Tbilisi YES YES YES YES NO
Germany Agricultural Service Centre - DLR Rheinhessen-Nahe-Hunsrueck, Diagnostic Laboratory , Bad Kreuznach YES YES YES YES NO
Germany Agricultural Service Centre - DLR Rheinpfalz, Department of Phytomedecine , Neustadt an der Weinstraße YES YES YES YES NO
Germany Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture, Institute for Plant Protection - Phytopathology and Diagnosis , Freising YES YES YES YES NO
Germany Brandenburg State Office of Rural Development, Agriculture an Land Consolidation(LELF) , Zossen YES YES YES YES YES
Germany Centre for Agricultural Technology Augustenberg , Karlsruhe YES YES YES YES NO
Germany Chamber of agriculture of lower Saxony Plant Protection Service , Hannover YES YES YES YES NO
Germany Department of Plant Protection , Hamburg YES YES YES YES YES
Germany DSMZ Plant Virus Department , Braunschweig YES NO YES YES YES
Germany Julius Kuehn-Institute, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants (JKI) , Kleinmachnow YES YES YES YES YES
Germany Julius Kuehn-Institute, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants (JKI), Institute for Epidemiology and Pathogen Diagnostics , Braunschweig YES YES YES YES YES
Germany Julius Kuehn-Institute – Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants (JKI), Institute for National and International Plant Health , Braunschweig YES YES YES YES YES
Germany Julius Kuehn-Institute, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants (JKI), Institute for Plant Protection in Fruit Crops and Viticulture , Dossenheim & Siebeldingen YES NO YES YES YES
Germany Julius Kuehn-Institute – Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants (JKI), Institute for Plant Protection in Horticulture and Urban Green , Braunschweig YES YES YES YES YES
Germany Landwirtschaftskammer Schleswig-Holstein, Abteilung Pflanzenbau, Pflanzenschutz, Landtechnik, Referat Phytopathologische Diagnostik , Kiel YES NO YES YES NO
Germany Plant Protection Service Hessian -District Goverment Giessen - Diagnostic , Wetzlar YES YES YES YES NO
Germany Saxon state company for environment and agriculture – Department of Phytopathology , Nossen YES YES YES YES NO
Germany State Office for Agriculture, Food Safety and Fishery Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Plant Protection Service , Rostock YES YES YES YES NO
Germany Thuringian State Office for Agriculture and Rural Areas – Department of Plant Protection and Seeds , Jena YES YES YES YES NO
Greece Benaki Phytopathological Institute , Kifissia, Athens YES YES YES YES YES
Greece Laboratory of Entomology and Agr. Zoology, Plant Protection Institute, Crete , Heraklion NO NO NO NO NO
Greece Plant Virology , Chania NO NO NO NO YES
Hungary National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH), Directorate of Food Chain Safety Laboratories, Laboratory of Virology , Velence NO NO YES YES NO
Hungary Plant Health Bacteriological Diagnostic National Reference Laboratory , Pécs YES YES YES YES YES
Hungary Plant Health Diagnostic National Reference Laboratory , Budapest YES YES YES YES YES
Ireland Plant Health Laboratory , Backweston Agri-laboratories, Young's Cross, Celbridge, Co. Kildare YES YES YES YES NO
Israel Plant Protection and Inspection (PPIS) Diagnostic Laboratory , Bet dagan YES YES YES YES YES
Italy Biotechnology laboratory - Phytosanitary Service of Friuli Venezia Giulia region , Pozzuolo del Friuli (UD) YES YES YES YES NO
Italy Centre of Research, Experimentation and Formation in Agriculture "Basile Caramia" , LOCOROTONDO (BA) YES YES YES YES YES
Italy Centro Attività Vivaistiche , Faenza (RA) YES YES YES YES NO
Italy CeRSAA- Centro di Sperimentazione e Assistenza Agricola (Center for Agricultural Experimentation and Assistance) , Albenga YES NO YES YES YES
Italy Council for Agricultural Research and Economics– Research Centre for Plant Protection and Certification , Rome YES YES YES YES YES
Italy Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection , Bari NO NO YES YES YES
Italy Marche Region Plant Protecion Service Diagnostic Laboratory (AMAP) , Osimo Stazione (AN) NO NO YES YES NO
Italy Phytopatological laboratory Lombardia Region , Vertemate con Minoprio CO YES YES YES YES NO
Kyrgyzstan Central Laboratory for Plant Quarantine Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic , Bishkek YES NO NO YES YES
Latvia National Phytosanitary Laboratory , Riga YES YES YES YES YES
Lithuania Phytosanitary Research Laboratory , Vilnius YES YES YES YES NO
Luxemburg ASTA - service de phytopathologie , Strassen YES NO YES YES NO
Moldova National Center for Verification and Certification of Vegetal Products and Soil , Chisinau YES YES YES YES NO
Netherlands Dutch General Inspection Service (NAK) , Emmeloord YES YES YES YES YES
Netherlands Naktuinbouw , Roelofarendsveen YES YES YES YES YES
Netherlands Netherlands Institute for Vectors, Invasive plants and Plant health , Wageningen YES YES YES YES YES
Norway Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research , Aas YES YES YES YES YES
Poland Main Inspectorate of Plant Health and Seed Inspection, Central Laboratory, Phytosanitary Reference Laboratory , Torun YES YES YES YES YES
Portugal Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, I.P Laboratório de Sanidade Vegetal , OEIRAS YES YES YES YES YES
Portugal Laboratory for Phytopathology , Coimbra YES YES YES YES YES
Portugal Phytopathology Laboratory , Vila Real NO NO YES NO YES
Romania National Phytosanitary Laboratory , Voluntari YES YES YES YES YES
Russia Federal State Organization "All-Russian Plant Quarantine Center" , Bykovo YES YES YES YES YES
Slovakia CCTIA Section of Diagnostics, Department of General and Quarantine Diagnostics, Bratislava. , Bratislava YES NO YES YES YES
Slovakia Department of Molecular Biology, Section of Laboratory Activities, Bratislava. , Bratislava YES YES YES YES YES
Slovenia Agricultural Institute of Slovenia - Plant Protection Department , Ljubljana YES YES YES YES YES
Slovenia Agriculture and Forestry Service Nova Gorica, Department for Plant Protection , Nova Gorica YES NO NO NO YES
Slovenia National Institiute of Biology, Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology , Ljubljana YES YES YES YES YES
Slovenia Slovenian Forestry Institute, Laboratory of Forest Protection , Ljubljana YES YES YES YES YES
Slovenia Slovenian Institute for Hop Research and Brewing , Žalec YES YES YES YES NO
Spain Bacteriology. Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias , Moncada YES YES YES YES YES
Spain Centro Regional de Diagnostico Salamanca , Aldearrubia (Salamanca) YES YES YES YES NO
Spain Grupo de Investigación en Hongos Fitopatógenos , Valencia NO NO YES YES YES
Spain Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA). Protection and Biotechnology Centre. Virology and Immunology laboratory , Moncada (Valencia) YES YES YES YES YES
Spain Laboratorio Regional del Gobierno de La Rioja , Logroño (La Rioja) YES YES YES YES NO
Spain Phytopathological Diagnostic Laboratory , SILLA (VALENCIA) NO NO YES YES NO
Spain Phytopathological Station Areeiro-Estación Fitopatolóxica do Areeiro (Deputación de Pontevedra) , Pontevedra YES NO YES YES YES
Spain Research Group Virology , Valencia NO NO YES YES YES
Switzerland Agricultural research station Agroscope , Nyon 1 YES NO YES YES NO
Switzerland Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) , Birmensdorf YES NO YES YES YES
Türkiye Plant Protection Central Research Institute (Bacteriology) , Ankara NO NO YES YES YES
Ukraine State Institution "Central Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Kiev YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Cherkasy Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Cherkasy YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Chernihiv Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Chernihiv YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Chernivtsi Regional Phytosanitari Laboratory" , Chernivtsi YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Dnipropetrovsk Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Dnipro YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Donetsk Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Mariupol YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Ivano-Frankivsk city YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Kharkiv Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Kharkiv YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Kherson Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Kherson YES NO NO YES NO
Ukraine State institution "Khmelnitsky Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Khmelnytsky city YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Kirovohrad Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Kropivnitsky YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Lugansk Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Rubizhne YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Lviv Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Dublyany YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Mykolaiv Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Mykolaiv YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Odessa Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Odessa YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Poltava Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Poltava YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Rivne Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Rivne YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Sumy Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Sumy YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Ternopil Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Ternopil YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Transcarpathian Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Uzhhorod YES YES YES YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Vinnytsia Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Vinnytsia YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Volyn Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Zmiinets YES YES NO YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Zaporizhzhia Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Zaporizhzhia city YES YES YES YES NO
Ukraine State Institution "Zhytomyr Regional Phytosanitary Laboratory" , Zhytomyr YES YES NO YES NO
United Kingdom Agri-Food & Biosciences Institute , Belfast YES YES YES YES YES
United Kingdom Fera , York YES YES YES YES YES
United Kingdom SASA , Edinburgh YES YES YES YES YES

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EU H2020

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme under grant agreement n. 773139. The content of this website represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. It cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Research Executive Agency or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

EU H2020

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